Senate voted to repeal DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL.

The U.S. Senate will vote to repeal DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL at 3pm. 

BREAKING NEWS: Senate passes final bill repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell 65 YES – 31 NO. Obama said, he will sign it.

The militaries of the world have a variety of responses to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals.

Most Western military forces have now removed policies excluding non-heterosexual individuals (with strict policies on sexual harassment). Of the 26 countries that participate militarily in NATO, more than 22 permit gay people to serve; of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, the United Kingdom, France, and Russia permit gay people to serve openly.

Governments that permit homosexuals to serve openly in their military service include Taiwan, Australia, Israel, Argentina, Canada and all countries of the European Union and every original NATO signatory except Turkey.

A study of gays and lesbians in the Canadian military has found that after Canada’s 1992 decision to allow homosexuals to serve openly in its armed forces, military performance did not decline.

DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL moves forward.

The U.S. Senate debated/voted The Dream Act and DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL legislation immigration bill this morning:

DREAM Act: 55 YES. 41 NO. It doesn’t move forward.

The bill «Don’t ask, don’t tell» moves forward. 63 YES, 33 NO!

The 63-33 vote sets the stage for a direct vote on ending the policy.

The Senate will take one more vote at 3 p.m. ET today to officially pass the repeal; only a majority vote is needed for the bill’s official passage.

If they vote yes, the bill will to President Obama to be signed into law.

Six Republicans joined Democrats in supporting the repeal: Sens. Scott Brown (Mass.), Susan Collins (Maine), Olympia Snowe (Maine), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and George Voinovich (Ohio).

The democrat Manchin voted against it. «While I believe the DADT policy will be repealed, and probably should be repealed in the near future, I cannot support a repeal of the policy at this time,» he said.

Mr. Obama today released a statement saying that he is confident the military can responsibly transition to the new policy while ensuring its strength and readiness. He said that the policy undermines national security while violating American ideals.

«By ending ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ no longer will our nation be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans forced to leave the military, despite years of exemplary performance, because they happen to be gay. And no longer will many thousands more be asked to live a lie in order to serve the country they love,» Mr. Obama said. «It is time to close this chapter in our history. It is time to recognize that sacrifice, valor and integrity are no more defined by sexual orientation than they are by race or gender, religion or creed.»

Senator Carl Levin, the Michigan Democrat who is chairman of the Armed Services Committee, dismissed Republican complaints that Democrats were trying to race through the repeal to satisfy their political supporters.

“I’m not here for partisan reasons,” Mr. Levin said. “I’m here because men and women wearing the uniform of the United States who are gay and lesbian have died for this country, because gay and lesbian men and women wearing the uniform of this country have their lives on the line right now.”

The repeal would not take effect for at least 60 days while some other procedural steps are taken. In addition the bill requires the defense secretary to determine that policies are in place to carry out the repeal consistent with military standards for readiness, effectiveness, unit cohesion, and recruiting and retention.

DREAM Act doesn’t move forward

The U.S. Senate debated/voted The Dream Act and DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL legislation immigration bill this morning:

You can watch the debate here:

DREAM Act: 55 YES. 41 NO. It doesn’t move forward.

Drew Angerer/The New York Time

The bill «Don’t ask, don’t tell» moves forward. 63 YES, 33 NO!

Democratic Sens. Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Jon Tester of Montana, Max Baucus of Montana, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, and Ben Nelson of Nebraska voted against bringing the bill to the floor; Republican Sens. Richard Lugar, Lisa Murkowski, and Robert Bennett voted for it.

Senate Democrats came up five votes short of the 60 needed to advance the House-passed bill, which would provide a path to citizenship for up to undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children if they attend college or join the military for two years.

Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin pleaded with his colleagues from the floor to vote for the DREAM Act — or as he described it, an act of «political courage.»

“Many of you have told me that you’re lying awake at night, tossing and turning over this vote, because you know how hard it’s going to be politically, that some people will use it against you,” Durbin said. “But I might say, if you can summon the courage to vote for the DREAM Act today, you will join ranks with senators before you, who came to the floor of these United States and made history with their courage. Who stood up and said the cause of justice is worth the political risk.”

Frank Sharry, executive director of America’s Voice, an immigrant advocacy group which has been fighting for the DREAM Act, said: For the lawmakers who voted against the bill, “it will be a defining vote in their career. They’re standing at the schoolhouse door, saying no to the best and the brightest of the Latino immigrant community,” he said, “and they will have a lot of explaining to do if they run for reelection or aspire to higher office.”


“The NALEO Educational Fund is troubled that the U.S. Senate today failed to pass cloture on the DREAM Act. The legislation, which ensures that motivated and accomplished immigrant students brought here at a young age through no fault of their own continue their education and journey toward becoming full Americans, fell short 55-41. The DREAM Act has wide bipartisan support across the country, which was shown by last week’s historic vote in the U.S. House of Representatives, and by the endorsement of nearly every major newspaper editorial board. The measure has been an important and key issue for Latino voters, and its failure is dismissive of a key priority for a growing segment of the electorate.

“The NALEO Educational Fund’s constituency includes more than 2,000 elected Latino education and school board members who have first-hand knowledge and experience in understanding the great impact the DREAM Act would have to our country and communities. Those who will benefit from the DREAM Act are precisely the high-quality individuals we want in our country, and would help us compete in the global economy. The legislation would also help strengthen our military by expanding the opportunity for thousands of patriotic young people to serve and defend our country.


    “While this vote is disheartening, the work toward eventual passage does not end with today’s action in the upper chamber. The dreams of these students will continue together with a broad and bipartisan coalition that includes the military, business, and labor, faith-based and civic groups. The NALEO Educational Fund will continue to strongly support the DREAM Act and urge congressional leadership to reconsider this measure that is so vital to our society.”

    About NALEO Educational Fund

    The NALEO Educational Fund is the nation’s leading non-partisan, non-profit organization that facilitates the full participation of Latinos in the American political process, from citizenship to public service.

    NEXT TIME YOU VOTE, remember the senators that voted against it  and in favor.

    U.S. Senate debates the DREAM Act & DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL. LIVE now.

    The U.S. Senate is debating The Dream Act and DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL legislation immigration bill this morning:

    You can watch the debate here:

    DREAM Act: 55 YES. 41 NO. It doesn’t move forward.

    Things will kick off at 9 a.m. Saturday, when the Senate comes into session. Senators from both parties will have some time for debate, which is likely to center on the DREAM Act — the immigration measure — and «don’t ask, don’t tell.»

    Later in the morning, shortly after 10:30 a.m., the Senate is slated to vote on whether to proceed on each measure.

    Good luck!

    Senado EEUU sostendrá votación sobre homosexuales en Ejército

    17 de diciembre de 2010, 03:05 AM

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – El líder de mayoría del Senado de Estados Unidos, Harry Reid, seguro de que ganará, fijó el jueves una votación sobre un nuevo intento por poner fin a la prohibición que impide que los homosexuales sirvan abiertamente en las Fuerzas Armadas de su país.

    Reid presentó una moción para sostener una votación el sábado en un intento por superar un obstáculo republicano contra el proyecto de ley para poner fin a la política conocida como «No preguntes, no digas».

    Se necesitarían 60 votos en el Senado de 100 miembros para poner fin al obstáculo y avanzar hacia la aprobación de la medida, un alta prioridad del presidente Barack Obama.

    «Estamos seguros de que tenemos al menos 60», dijo un colaborador demócrata. Un colaborador republicano de alto rango reconoció que los demócratas podrían llegar a esa cifra.

    El Senado votará sobre el proyecto que aprobó el miércoles la Cámara de Representantes, aún controlada por los demócratas, por 250 votos a favor y 175 en contra.

    Al menos 13.000 hombres y mujeres han sido expulsados desde las Fuerzas Armadas de Estados Unidos bajo la política «No preguntes, no digas», que permite a los homosexuales servir en las fuerzas armadas mientras mantengan su orientación sexual en secreto. La política fue implementada en 1993.

    Si el Congreso no revoca la política, el tema podría ser decidido por los tribunales, donde se ha apelado contra la prohibición.

    Obama, junto al secretario de Defensa, Robert Gates, quiere eliminar la política, pero está a favor de una solución legislativa en lugar de una impuesta por las cortes.

    Tal medida, ha dijo el portavoz del Pentágono Geoff Morrell, permitiría al Departamento de Defensa el «manejar cuidadosamente y con responsabilidad un cambio en esta política en lugar de arriesgarse a un cambio abrupto que resulte de una decisión de los tribunales».

    Si bien Reid está seguro de que tiene los 60 votos para revocar la política, colaboradores del Senado han dicho que le falta apoyo para avanzar en otra de las prioridades de Obama, como una reforma a la inmigración.

    Sin embargo, Reid fijó la votación el sábado para intentar superar el obstáculo republicano contra el proyecto de ley que habría brindado un camino hacia la ciudadanía estadounidense a inmigrantes indocumentados que llegaron al país como niños.

    (Reporte de Thomas Ferraro; Editado en Español por Ricardo Figueroa)


    U.S House repealed DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL policy.

    12/15/2010 – U.S House repealed DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL policy. YES 250 – NO 175 — The US House has repealed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, again.
    U.S. Senate still to vote.

    Members of the U.S. House of Representative voted on a stand-alone bill to repeal the discriminatory law.

    Mexicanos Unidos support repealing this law. It discriminates against the LGBT community.

    Los republicanos/Tea party no quieren a los gays/lesbianas en el ejercito de USA. Que pasaria si todos los gays/lesbianas que estan ahora mismo en el ARMY renunciaran?

    All men and women are created equal!


    House Votes Second Time for Repeal

    WASHINGTON – Today the U.S. House of Representatives voted 250-175 on legislation to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT). This historic action is the second time the House passed repeal legislation this year. In May the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), to which repeal legislation was successfully attached.

    “Today the U.S. House of Representatives said, for the second time, what military leaders, the majority of our troops and 80 percent of the American public have been saying all along – the only thing that matters on the battlefield is the ability to do the job,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese. “We are grateful to Majority Leader Hoyer and Rep. Murphy for championing repeal and for Speaker Pelosi’s continuing leadership. The Senate must now follow their lead.”

    Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) introduced the free-standing DADT repeal bill yesterday, H.R. 6520. The new bill is identical to the language in Rep. Murphy’s DADT repeal amendment that passed in the House in May. Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Susan Collins (R-ME) introduced the companion bill, S.4023, last week after the failed Senate vote to proceed to debate the National Defense Authorization Act, to which repeal legislation was attached. The Senate bill currently has 48 bipartisan cosponsors.

    “Momentum is on the side of ending ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’” said HRC President Joe Solmonese. “The leadership of Rep. Murphy and Majority Leader Hoyer was critical to passage in the House. Now it is up to the Senate to consign this failed and discriminatory law to the dustbin of history.”

    The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against LGBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.


    Debate on DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL (DADT) Repeal. Watch it live!

    U.S. House DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL policy on gays in the military.

    Watch LIVE here:

    12/15/2010. 5:25PM. U.S House repealed DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL policy.

    Mexicanos Unidos support repealing this law. It discriminates against the LGBT community.

    Los republicanos/Tea party no quieren a los gays/lesbianas en el ejercito de USA. Que pasaria si todos los gays/lesbianas que estan ahora mismo en el ARMY renunciaran?

    All men and women are created equal!

    The Senate will vote on the DREAM Act today. Watch it LIVE.

    The U.S. House passed The «Dream Act» legislation immigration bill on 12/8/2010: 216 YES, 198 NO.

    The Senate will be voting today 12/9/2010.

    The Senate is scheduled to vote on the DREAM Act at 11AM. That gives you some hours to make calls into key Senate votes. Use this line & we’ll make sure you talk with a Senator whose vote could make the difference: 866-587-6101

    You can watch the debate here:

    Take one minute to contact your Senators to ask them to vote YES on the DREAM Act today.

    Target list:

    Senate Democrats:
    Conrad (ND)
    Dorgan (ND)
    McCaskill (MO)
    Webb (VA)
    Warner (VA)
    Landrieu (LA)
    Pryor (AR)
    Tester (MT)
    Hagan (NC)

    Senate Republicans:
    Hutchison (TX)
    Brownback (KS)
    Murkowski (AK)
    Kirk (IL)
    Bennett (UT)
    Voinovich (OH)
    Snowe (ME)
    Collins (ME)
    Lemieux (FL)
    Lugar (IN)
    Bunning (KY)

    DREAM Act LIVE debate


    The U.S. House passed The «Dream Act» legislation immigration: 216 YES, 198 NO.
    The Senate will vote tomorrow.

    The Senate will be voting tomorrow 12/9/2010.

    You can watch the debate here:

    Take one minute to contact your Senators and Representative to ask them to vote YES on the DREAM Act today.

    House: 866-967-6018
    Senate: 866-996-5161



    1. Dial the switchboard 1-866-587-3023
    2. Ask operator for a member from the target list
    3. When receptionist picks up leave a message urging the member to vote yes on DREAM.

    Target list:

    Senate Democrats:
    Conrad (ND)
    Dorgan (ND)
    McCaskill (MO)
    Webb (VA)
    Warner (VA)
    Landrieu (LA)
    Pryor (AR)
    Tester (MT)
    Hagan (NC)

    Senate Republicans:
    Hutchison (TX)
    Brownback (KS)
    Murkowski (AK)
    Kirk (IL)
    Bennett (UT)
    Voinovich (OH)
    Snowe (ME)
    Collins (ME)
    Lemieux (FL)
    Lugar (IN)
    Bunning (KY)

    House Representatives:
    Cooper, Jim TN-05, Tanner, John TN-8, Bishop, Sanford GA-02, Boccieri, John OH-16, Boucher, Rick VA-09, Dahlkemper, Kathy PA-03, Hall, John NY-19, Herseth-Sandlin, Stephanie SD-AL, Holden, Tim PA-17, Kirkpatrick, Ann AZ-01, Kissell, Larry NC-08, Marshall, Jim GA-08, Michaud, Michael ME-02, Mollohan, Alan WV-01, Nye, Glenn VA-02, Peters, Gary MI-09, Ross, Mike AR-04, Shuler, Heath NC-11, Spratt, John SC-05, Visclosky, Peter IN-01, Wilson, Charlie OH-06, Barrow, John GA-12, Peterson, Colin MN-07, Murphy, Scott NY-20, Arcuri, Michael NY-24, Baird, Brian WA-3, Boyd, Allen FL-02, Deutch, Ted FL-19, Ellsworth, Brad IN-08, Higgins, Brian NY-27, Matheson, Jim UT-02, Miller, Brad NC-13, Owens, Bill NY-23, Ryan, Tim OH-17, Schrader, Kurt OR-05, Scott, David GA-13, Stupak, Bart MI-01, Chandler, Ben KY-06, Adler, John NJ-03, Space, Zach OH-18, Halvorson, Deborah IL-11, Pomeroy, Earl ND AL

    LOVE LOVE. HATE HATE New York City Campaign.


    PR- 434-10
    14 de octubre de 2010


    Los anuncios de servicio al público impresos y en video celebrarán la diversidad y condenarán los crímenes de odio en la Ciudad de Nueva York

    El alcalde Michael R. Bloomberg y la presidente del Concejo Municipal Christine C. Quinn lanzaron hoy la campaña publicitaria de servicio público Love Love. Hate Hate. para celebrar la diversidad y condenar los crímenes de odio en la Ciudad de Nueva York.  Empezando el 22 de octubre, los anuncios impresos serán colocados en 100 marquesinas de autobús y 100 cabinas telefónicas en los cinco condados, todos donados o parte del inventario existente de la ciudad.  Un video será transmitido por dos canales televisivos de la Ciudad — NYC Life y NYC Gov — y en pantallas de televisión en taxis de la Ciudad de Nueva York.  NYC & Company, quien está produciendo la campaña — una creación de la presidente del Concejo Municipal Christine Quinn — también busca colaborar con estaciones locales de televisión, estaciones radiales y proveedores de espacios publicitarios al aire libre para colocar los anuncios.  La presidente Quinn develará el anuncio en la Cena de Otoño Empire State Pride Agenda esta noche.

    “La Ciudad de Nueva York es el lugar más diverso en el globo, y esa diversidad es una de las principales cosas que la hace la mejor gran ciudad del mundo.  Los ideales más americanos — aquellos de la libertad, franqueza y aceptación — siempre han estado incomparablemente vivos en la Ciudad de Nueva York.  Nos toca a nosotros celebrar y proteger esos ideales, y de eso se trata esta campaña”.

    “En las últimas semanas y meses ha habido múltiples ataques y muertes por prejuicio en todo Nueva York y el país.  Esto es inaceptable”, dijo la presidente del Concejo Quinn.  “Debemos continuar educando a nuestros jóvenes y propagar el mensaje a cada neoyorquino de que amamos quien eres y que el odiar no es una opción en nuestros cinco condados.  Esta campaña nos ayudará a hacer justamente eso.  Nueva York es un estado en el que valoramos la diversidad.  Necesitamos continuar enviando nuestro mensaje de aceptación y amor a todos los neoyorquinos”.

    La campaña se desarrollará desde mediados de octubre hasta por lo menos a fin de año, en inglés y en español.  Además de usar medios de comunicación tradicionales, NYC & Company capitalizarán en foros de medios sociales, incluyendo a Facebook, flickr, Twitter, Youtube, Vimeo, y otros.  Los neoyorquinos serán invitados a compartir su manera de expresar Love Love. Hate Hate. y adoptar los mensajes de la campaña en tweets y mensajes de texto.

    “Invitamos tanto a los artistas como al público a expresar su propia interpretación y expresión creativa de Love Love. Hate Hate.”, dijo el director ejecutivo principal de NYC & Company George Fertitta.  “Esperamos que el mensaje de la campaña de tolerancia y diversidad sea adoptado sin reserva alguna, e instamos a todos a demostrar su apoyo por medio de mensajes de texto, tweets o similares, y por todos los foros de medios sociales”.


    Stu Loeser / Andrew Brent   (212) 788-2958

    María Alvarado / Eunic Ortiz (City Council)   (212) 788-7116


    PR- 434-10
    October 14, 2010


    Print and Video Public Service Announcements Will Celebrate Diversity and Condemn Hate Crimes in New York City

    Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn today launched the Love Love. Hate Hate. public service advertising campaign to celebrate diversity and condemn hate crimes in New York City. Starting October 22nd, print ads will be placed at 100 bus shelters and 100 phone kiosks throughout the five boroughs, all either donated or from within the City’s existing inventory. A video will air on two of the City’s television channels – NYC Life and NYC Gov – and on television screens in New York City taxis. NYC & Company is producing the materials, and the Mayor’s Office of Media & Entertainment will team up with local television stations, radio stations and outdoor ad space providers to place ads. Speaker Quinn, who came up with the idea for the campaign, will unveil the ad at the Empire State Pride Agenda Fall Dinner this evening.

    “New York City is the most diverse place in the world, and that diversity is one of the main things that make it the greatest city in the world. The most American of ideals – those of freedom, openness and acceptance – have always been incomparably alive in New York City. It’s up to us to celebrate and protect those ideals, and that’s what this campaign is about.”

    “In the past weeks and months there have been multiple bias attacks and deaths as a result throughout New York and the country. This is unacceptable,” said Speaker Quinn. “We must continue to educate our youth and spread the message to every New Yorker that we love who you are and hate is not an option within our five boroughs. This campaign will help us do just that. New York is a state where we value diversity. We need to continue our message of acceptance and love for all New Yorkers.”

    The campaign will run from mid-October through at least the end of the year. It will run in English and Spanish. In addition to using traditional media outlets, NYC & Company will capitalize on social media forums, including Facebook, flickr, Twitter, Youtube, Vimeo, and others. New Yorkers will be invited to share their expression of Love Love. Hate Hate. and adopt the campaign messages in tweets and text messages.

    “We invite both artists and the public to express their own creative interpretation and expression of Love Love. Hate Hate,” said NYC & Company CEO George Fertitta. “Our hope is that the campaign’s message of tolerance and diversity will be whole-heartedly embraced, and we encourage everyone to show their support through text messages, tweets, likes and across other social media forums.”

    «Our DIVERSITY is our greatest STRENGTH. When any New Yorker (or citizen from any country) is attacked for who they are, what they believe or who they LOVE it is a crime against all of us. Keep your city strong. LOVE LOVE. HATE HATE.»


    Stu Loeser/Andrew Brent (Mayor)   (212) 788-2958

    Maria Alvarado/Eunic Ortiz (Speaker)   (212) 788-7116

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